Monday, October 17, 2011


We arrived in Nuremberg this afternoon and the excursion we chose was a City Tour.  The other excursion we could have gone to was the Documentation Centre which is all about Hitler and the origins and ideology of the Third Reich and neither Brian nor I wanted to be reminded of that horrible man and the horrendous things he did. We know enough about that and didn’t need any reminders or documentations of what happened during that time.  Our city tour of course touched a bit on Hitler as Nuremberg was the city that attracted Hitler’s Nazi party  for its annual rallies.  Unfortunately for Nuremberg, 75% of it was reduced to rumble when the Allied Forces bombed the city during WWII.  Our tour touched a bit on that but since 1942, the city has been fully restored and the rest of our city tour focused on the first fortress that was built by Emperor Henry III.  When the walking tour was over, we had free time to explore the Market Square.  Here are a few pictures from today: 


The ship going through one of the locks.  See how they lay all the railings down so that the ship fits through the locks and how tight it is to get the ship through. I think I said earlier that we go through a total of 68 locks during this trip.  All the ones up to today, the locks have lifted us up and now the rest of the way to Amsterdam the locks lower us down.


Brian and Richard.  Richard is from Perth, Australia


Janet and Roseleigh (Richard’s wife).  We have been spending a lot of time with Richard and Rose-Lee.  We really enjoy each other’s company.  This picture was taken as we were getting lower in the lock.  Notice the wall beside us; that is the side of the lock.


This is our Captain driving the ship into the lock. There are only inches betwen the boat and the side of the lock. 


Wernie (our cruise director) and the Captain of the ship.


This is Igor (the ship’s hotel manager).  He is pretty tall as you can see.  He usually walks with his head bent when walking through the ship as he is so tall!

100_2565 We are now 25 feet down into the lock.  The lock then opens up and we sail forward (although this picture is taken showing the back of the ship as we were moving forward)

100_2577 Buildings used by Hitler’s Army

100_2619 Looking out over Numenberg on the part of the city that has been restored.


The Coliseum


A church in the Marketplace. 


This was the name of the church. 

100_2640 We stopped to buy a sausage on a bun!

100_2655 100_2657 Back on the ship, they had a German beer tasting event.  Of course, we were thinking of you, Roy, when tasting these beers!  This is #3 and #4. 

100_2654 100_2658

These are the brewers of samples #3 and #4 that Brian is drinking above.



And last but not least……this is our dessert at supper tonight!

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