Wednesday, October 19, 2011


We can’t believe that it is day 10 already and we only have 4 more days on the cruise,  Time flies when you’re having fun as they say.  We arrived in Wurzburg around noon today and we were scheduled to visit Prince Bishop Palace but on finding out that we would be 6 hours there and back, we opted, along with our new friends, Roseleigh and Richard, to just walk into Wurzburg from the ship and wander around on our own.  There has been a cold/flu going around the ship and some people have been quite sick and there is nothing worse than sitting on a bus with people who you know are not feeling well and everyone coughing, sneezing and complaining about their sore throats. We have both been taking our Cold FX as a preventative and Brian felt he was getting a raspy throat a couple of days ago, so he took some extra cold medicine and he seems to be okay now except his voice is raspy and after coming back from our walk to Wurzburg, he is now taking a little afternoon nap while I write our blog. Touch wood, so far I have been able to avoid the illness going around.

So today, was nice and relaxing and sometimes it is nice just to take a breather and do your own thing. We did a bit of shopping with Roseleigh and Richard and then we all sat in a Cafe to chat and have a Bailey’s Coffee. Richard and Brian were getting fed up with us going in and out of the shops!

We visited yet another church today (as is usual it seems) and took some random photos during our walk through town.  Here are some updates: 


Fortress of  Marienberg.  We took this from the balcony of our room.


This is the bridge we walked across to visit the town of Wurzburg – called the Old Main Bridge


Walking into the town of Wurzburg


This is the church of St. Mary completed in 1441 and I loved the massive doors in the front.


Front entrance to St. Mary’s Church


Wurzberg Cathedral - - St. Burkardus-Hs. We were able to go inside this church.


What I loved about this church was the white walls. It made it very clean and bright.


The ceiling in one of the towers


This represents a family of Jewish people that were unfortunately eliminated during WW II. In the period of Nazi rule, almost the whole Jewish and Gypsy population of the city was wiped out.

The following are some random pictures we have taken over the last few days.

100_2726 The story behind this is rather funny. When I am writing my blog, Brian is usually reading and he was starting to get a crook in his neck laying on the bed, so he elected to put some pillows on the toilet and sat there comfortably reading his book!


This was my appetizer last night – it was a very thin slice of beef with cheese, beans and lettuce.  They had a special name for it but I can’t tell you what it was!


This was my entree……Beef pot roast but it wasn’t what I would call a pot roast! It looked more like a slice of roast beef. Potato dumpling and Brussel sprouts.

100_2730 and of course – dessert!!! Brian’s dessert was the one behind in the small dish.  He likes getting the ice-creams.

100_2731 When we got back to the room, our PJs nicely displayed for us once again. 

100_2732 and this morning after getting back from our breakfast..our towel display..The maid obviously saw Brian’s glasses in the room and put them on the dog.  She is very very talented with her towel displays! We look forward every morning to see what she has made!

I am now off to get ready for dinner.  We have reservations in Portobello’s Restaurant on the ship tonight – an Italian experience; so we are looking forward to that. From what we have been told by other passengers, the Portobello experience is a 7 course meal!  It should be interesting…..

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