Saturday, February 4, 2012


As most of you know, my dad lives in a Senior’s Residence (Wellington Park Terrace) and at the first of every month they have “Gourmet Night” and every gourmet has a theme.  This month’s theme was “Chinese New Year 2012”.  Since it was dad’s birthday month, he is allowed to invite two guests.  It is always hard for dad to make that decision as although he doesn’t have to worry about Roy (since Roy works there and always helps out on Gourmet Night) but dad struggles with Roy/Janet or Bob/Gwen and what about Pat (Roy’s wife) – she gets shafted all the time!  This year we took things in our own hands and made the decision for him – Gwen and Brian graciously gave my brother, Bob, and I the okay for the two of us to go. Dad then didn’t have to worry that he was hurting anyone’s feelings!   We all feel so blessed that we still have dad here with us – his birthday on February 24th he will be 90 YEARS OLD!!!   He is such a healthy man and still with it cognitively; he has many many more years left in him yet!  If was a very enjoyable evening for Bob and I as we sat at the table with dad and his good buddy, Bill, who himself is just as healthy and cognitively with it as dad and he is 93 years old!!!!!  Thanks Dad for your invite – Bob and I enjoyed ourselves immensely!


Here was the menu!!!!  It was buffet style that night!


My brother, Roy, who works as the maintenance man at Wellington Park and for every gourmet, his wife, Pat, makes him an outfit that goes with the theme of that particular gourmet.  This year he was a “Chinaman” I guess??


My two brothers, Roy (known affectionally by dad as “Nuck”) and Bob (known affectionaly as “Bob,Bob,Bob” and although I’m not in this picture…..I’m known as “Fanya”.  Don’t ask us how dad came up with these names!


Roy and Miranda who were our servers on the buttet – Miranda is the Activites Director at Wellington Park.


My dad to the left, Bob, me and Bill Richardson.  Isn’t it hard to believe dad and Bill are in their 90’s!!!!!


Roy and Miranda busy at work!! 


A picture of the dining room with everyone enjoying their Chinese meal – it was delicious!


After supper, the entertainment was some Chinese dancers!

It was a very enjoyable evening.  Thanks Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way…..We are having a 90th birthday Open House to celebrate dad’s birthday on Saturday, February 25th, so all are invited – I have sent out invitations via email  and if you would like to come and need more info – just e.mail me –  The open house will be at Wellington Park Terrace on Janefield in Guelph between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.  Come one, come all!!

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