Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 17, 2012

Well, life is certainly zipping along at a fast pace.  Here we are now halfway through April, six weeks before we move and three months before David/Jenn’s wedding.  Last weekend Breanne and I went out to look for a “mother of the groom” dress at Le Creme downtown Guelph and I actually found a dress!  It was the second dress I tried on and although I was more critical of how it looked, Breanne kept saying it was the one; so after trying on a few more that were definitely not for me, I tried the one on that Breanne liked and admitted to myself that it was the one and thankfully it was one I could buy off the shelf and didn’t have to order.  I even bought some jewelry to go with it at the same time!  Now all I need are the shoes.  You have no idea how happy I was to have that over with!  We have so much on our plate right now, that worrying about where I was going to get a dress and/or shopping from store to store certainly wasn’t appealing; so this is one huge stress I don’t have anymore. Of course, for Brian (as for all men) it was easy.  David booked an appointment at the tuxedo store, and all the men including the fathers go there for half an hour, pick out a tux, get measured and their done!  They don’t even have to buy shoes, that is also included in the Tux rental.  Women definitely have it harder than men! 

So now I have a goal, I HAVE to lose 5-10 pounds in three months.  My dress fits but it is a bit snug and would look so much better if I lost a few pounds; so this week I have started back to running and I am starting from scratch and building up from there with the Running Room Program; so I have started with 1 minute run, 2 minute walk – 7 sets; then subsequent weeks I add 1 minute until I’m running 10 and walking 1 – 10 week program.  I also found this awesome app for my I-pad that counts calories. All I do is put in the bar codes for any foods I eat and/or add in food portions and it calculates calories, proteins, carbs, etc.  It even calculates how much I should be eating (RDI) in a day for my age, gender and whether you want to maintain or lose or gain weight.  It has to be one of the best apps ever and is so quick to enter things.  If even has calculations for foods eaten in restaurants. So in 3 months I hope to say goodbye to 10 extra pounds! I just have to stay motivated now!

Our condo is looking good; all the painting is done now, baseboards and doors are up, ceramic tile is down at the front door.  The rest of the floors are going to be hardwood (except the finished basement which is carpet); so that will probably not be done for another couple of weeks so that the workers do not damage the floor.  When we went through our walk-through in March, the site supervisor told us that although hardwood floors are beautiful, they are a nightmare for him as he has to “babysit” it so that they don’t get damaged, so I’m sure he was not pleased that the whole house is hardwood.  On the outside they have poured our patio at the back and have the stairs in up to our balcony. I will have to get a couple of pictures this weekend and will post on my blog.

Brian has actually started to do some packing and we had the moving company over yesterday to give us an estimate on moving us; so things are falling into place and I can’t believe we are only 6 weeks away now.  I am definitely not looking forward to the actual move but am looking forward to getting settled in our new place and especially being just down the street from my kids’ homes.  It is going to be awesome being all so close.  Oh yes, and another thing we did last weekend was buy a dining room suite!  We have put in our order and it will be ready in about 8-10 weeks!  Now we just have to buy some living room furniture but we are going to wait until we actually have possession so we can visualize more of what we need for the room size. 

Health-wise, Brian is great and we are all doing well and excited for life!  We are truly blessed!

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